Peter Grant (music manager)

Peter James G Grant was an English music manager. Grant managed the popular English bands the Yardbirds, Led Zeppelin, and Bad Company, among others, and was also a record executive for Swan Song Records. Grant has been described as one of the shrewdest and most ruthless managers in rock history. He is widely credited with improving pay and conditions for musicians in dealings with concert promoters.

Grant was born in the South London suburb of South Norwood, England. His mother Dorothy worked as a secretary. He attended Sir Walter St John School in Grayshott before the Second World War, and completed his schooling at Charterhouse School in Godalming after the evacuation. After the war Grant returned to Norwood until leaving at the age of 13, when he became a sheet metal factory worker in Croydon. He left that job after a few weeks and obtained employment on Fleet Street delivering photographs for Reuters.

Source: Wikipedia